Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Barack O. celebrates birthday and Michelle O. covers Ebony mag

Barack Obama turned 47 yesterday and hosted a huge celebration on the 33rd floor of 60 state St overlooking Boston Harbor. About 850 people attended the fund-raiser, which cost between $1,000 and $4,600 per ticket. Among those, 250 also ate dinner with Obama - for $15,000 per ticket or $28,500 per couple.
When asked what he wanted for his birthday Barack said, ‘Indiana, Colorado and Virginia’ ” - referring to three potential swing states the Illinois senator hopes to win in the Nov. 4 election.

He is also looking foward to vacationing in Hawaii later this week.

Meanwhile, Michelle Obama covers the newest issue of Ebony Magazine’s \, due to hit stands on August 12th. Her interview touches on topics such as her style, being a mom, and being married to Barack.


Anonymous said...

Michelle looks good.

Anonymous said...

Yay I love the Obamas!