Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I spy -- a wedding ring, Terrance Howards album cover, and Beyonce for Loreal

*Update: So at first glance I thought this diamond ring was on the wedding finger, but thanks to a star-snitch reader I stand corrected. It kinda sucks though because now its just a random pic of Mya playing with dogs (crickets chirping)....oh well. Lol.

And Terrence Howard’s album cover is here. His LP is called "Shine Through It" and will arrive in stores in September:

Beyonce, the queen of endorsements and media, has a brand new ad running for Loreal.


Anonymous said...

Is Terrance singing or rapping?

Anonymous said...

that ring is on her right hand NOT her left, lol

blogboss said...

your absolutely right wrong hand.

Anonymous said...

Beyonce look fake

Peppah said...

I don't like the beyonce ad!