The music genius most known for writing and singing Shaft's theme music, was found dead in his home this Sunday afternoon. Apparently he had collapsed near his treadmill. He just recently finished working on the "Soul Men" movie with Samuel Jackson and Bernie Mac, who passed away yesterday at age 50. Two legends gone this weekend, but will be remembered for their great work! RIP Issac Hayes...
UPDATE: Some new details have surfaced about the sas loss of Isaac Hayes. People.com reports:
“The family had last seen him about noon,” says Steve Shular, public information officer for that office. “Family members had gone to the grocery store and left him home. When the family came home around 1, his wife’s cousin found him lying on the floor in the basement near a treadmill. The treadmill was running, so it is believed that he had been working out.”
1 comment:
This weekend has been crazy. It just goes to show that we all have to try and live life to the fullest because you never know when your time is coming.
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