"Open your f*cking minds. Open your minds. Be accepting of different people and let people be who they are. You know how many people came to me calling me gay cause I wear my jeans the fresh way? Or because I said hey, dude, how you gonna say 'fag' right in front of a gay dude's face and act like that's ok. That sh*t is disrespectful. Coming from Chicago, where if you saw somebody that was gay you were supppoed to stay ten feet away. It should be time to break out of the intuitions that I was sayin', the steretypes, or the fear, the backlash that I would get if you don't believe in what I believe in, acceptin' people for who they are…they're very talented and if they do something special in the world and they're discriminated. I've flown across the world y'all, and I've come back here to tell you — open your minds and live a happier life…"
ok Ye...
According to TMZ, Christina Milian filed a lawsuit in L.A. County Superior Court. The singer/actress is suing a famous record producer Poli Paul. Paul wrote the song "Dip It Low," and according to the lawsuit, Milian claims Paul "very definitively" assured her "there were no samples whatsoever in ...'Dip It Low.'"

It was untrue. Thomas Turino, Larry Crook and Dan Dickey released an album in 1983 called "La Sirena." containing the famous loop in “Dip it Low.” So they sued her! Christina had to spend more than $300,000 to defend herself in the case against her and eventually settled. She now wants Paul and his associate, Spencer Cowlings Entertainment, to pay what she's out.
Mariah Carey is finally going to celebrate her wedding the Mariah Carey way.

NY Post is reporting Carey paid an astounding $125,000 to rent Stone Meadow Farm in East Hampton for one week this month. At the 10-bedroom, 18,000 square-foot, 8-acre spread, the diva and her new hubby, Nick Cannon, will “chill out”. The party will be hosted by Def Jam boss L.A. Reid, and all the guests who bought Carey presents through her Bergdorf Goodman registry can finally toast the couple..
better late then never.
According to TMZ, Christina Milian filed a lawsuit in L.A. County Superior Court. The singer/actress is suing a famous record producer Poli Paul. Paul wrote the song "Dip It Low," and according to the lawsuit, Milian claims Paul "very definitively" assured her "there were no samples whatsoever in ...'Dip It Low.'"

It was untrue. Thomas Turino, Larry Crook and Dan Dickey released an album in 1983 called "La Sirena." containing the famous loop in “Dip it Low.” So they sued her! Christina had to spend more than $300,000 to defend herself in the case against her and eventually settled. She now wants Paul and his associate, Spencer Cowlings Entertainment, to pay what she's out.
Mariah Carey is finally going to celebrate her wedding the Mariah Carey way.

NY Post is reporting Carey paid an astounding $125,000 to rent Stone Meadow Farm in East Hampton for one week this month. At the 10-bedroom, 18,000 square-foot, 8-acre spread, the diva and her new hubby, Nick Cannon, will “chill out”. The party will be hosted by Def Jam boss L.A. Reid, and all the guests who bought Carey presents through her Bergdorf Goodman registry can finally toast the couple..
better late then never.
And in super random news today...Clay Aiken and music producer friend Jaymes Foster, welcomed a baby boy in his home-state of North Carolina this morning. Aiken’s mother Faye gave details to local TV station WRAL. Faye reported the boy’s name is Parker Foster Aiken, and was born at 8:08 a.m. weighing 6 pounds, 2 ounces. He was 19 inches long.

wow I didnt know Nick had that tatooe! He's going to regret that!
Clay Aiken?
Clay looks like a woman
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