VERY NICE! (minus the long and unecessary Diddy intro...he just can't stand not getting ALL the attention)...anyway, Nelly is absolutely HOTT!
E! News got the scoop on Usher leaving management under Benny Medina and returing to his mother, J-Pat's management! This, of course is due to the result of disappointing record sales for Ush's latest album, Here I Stand.

I never expected him to out-do his Confessions album, but I didn't expect an album like, Here I Stand either. He shouldn't have ever left home. Everyone knows that mama knows BEST! Ushey aint no fool...least not anymore! Good for you Usher.
Word has it he currently has a re-release of Here I Stand with new songs due out before Christmas!
Usher will never make an album like confessions. I also think his marriage has a lot to do with it has well.
LOL. thats funny. So now he hires his mom back????!????
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